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- DESIGN PHILOSOPHY -- The reasons for PC-Hypertext
- ==================================================
- For users of knowledge systems, the design goals of PC-Hypertext include:
- - 2 minute learning time for users (similar to dialing a phone) <file56>
- - Emphasis on ASCII files for storage, compatibility, and distribution
- - Easy addition/modification to basic structures (uses only word processor)
- - Fits on standard machines (PC clone/256k memory/floppy or hard disk)
- - Provides various browsing methods for beginners to experts <file56>
- - Confirms hierarchical structure of knowledge with each system access
- - Includes calls to DOS and other programs without limit or restriction
- - Supports popular graphic formats (ColorTX, PC-Paintbrush)
- - Royalty-free system for distribution by hypertext developers <file78>
- While these goals acknowledge other types of hypertext systems (i.e., graphic
- emphasis, mouse selection, application construction sets <file24 EXAMPLE>),
- the PC-Hypertext approach of emphasizing structured integration of ASCII files
- and programs produces effective hypertext for current markets and installed
- systems.
- For developers and creators <file53 ABILITIES NEEDED>, the construction of
- hypertext systems requires linking and structuring capabilities not included
- in PC-Hypertext. The most difficult portions of hypertext construction are
- organizing and classifying files, links, and cross-references <file30 BUILD>.
- Contact MaxThink for software <file64 TOOLS> that solves these problems.
- Neil Larson 1/10/87 FILE17
- Copyright MaxThink 1988 -- Call (415)-428-0104 for permission to reprint